"How can we show the business contribution to a district of the city that is made by tourists?"
"The neighboring metropolitan region is overwhelming our property market."
"What density and other incentives are necessary to make redevelopment of properties in our downtown area feasible?"
"What retail opportunities are we missing, and how important is it to attempt to capture these?"
"How can we demonstrate that a “lower” use for this site is actually a “better” use, for the community too."
"This is the first time an organization like ours has been invited to participate in economic development planning."
"Our high school students are not aware of the fact that there are high-paying jobs here, in manufacturing."
"Prospects will not come here until they can see that the city is organized to be fully functional."
"Younger workers want to be in communities where there is a sense of place."
"The best use of the planning funds we have is to bring as many kinds of stakeholders together as possible."
"How can we balance maintaining open space amenities in our region with growth pressures?"


McClure Consulting, LLC is a national economic development consulting firm specializing in market analytics, strategic planning, site selection, community assessments and organization building. Our team of experienced practitioners helps communities & economic development organizations, real estate development entities, and regions' businesses & industries achieve their market potential.


Staying Focused in Economic Development


Why economic data diligence is now more important than ever

Trends, to economic development, are little bit like fashion is to clothing – you never know what the next year’s hot topic will be. Nevertheless, economic developers are, or should be, scrambling to keep up with state-level legislation that either encourages or discourages people to come to the state and feel secure enough to remain there. (read more)

What’s driving the need to be especially mindful of data intelligence right now? Workforce disruptions abound, from the work from home (WFH) phenomenon, dislocations due to robotics and artificial intelligence, and even some movement to redefine the relationship between workers and company interests (read more)

The following stories are featured from our archive

Truth in [concept] labeling and economic development

Economic Development Story

Is the federal government a trustworthy partner?

What have we been up to lately?

Economic development themes that don’t need a full-blown strategic plan

When the next headquarters call comes

Economic development self-evaluation

Innovation Districts and the small city/suburb



Non-market tools of rationality - shadow pricing, benefit/cost analysis, etc. - can test strategies

Creativity is essential to economic analysis and development planning

Innovation in one thing or place can affect all opportunities

The future must be planned for flexibility

The best investments are fully strategized

Economic strategic planning bridges all functions

Consultant's role is to balance informing with listening, maintaining objectivity

McClure and Collins Project Areas

There are no typical services or service models in economic consulting

Overview of Our Services

Economic Impacts

Economic Development

and Benefit/Cost Analysis

Real Estate

Specialized Support


McClure Consulting LLC

Founded in 1996, McClure Consulting, LLC is based on Joe McClure's experience as a Principal or Manager of regional economics consulting organizations over a 30-year period. McClure Consulting, LLC also maintains a working relationship with consulting colleagues The Natelson Dale Group, Inc. (TNDG), headquartered in Orange County, CA. 

Our corporate profile can be viewed and/or downloaded by clicking on the button below.